How To Get Rid Of Lawn Mites In Your Lawn and Garden

Sometimes the biggest problems can come in the smallest packages. Mites are not a common pest that people think of when they think of common pests in their lawn or garden, but they can be a problem for homeowners with lawns and gardens. These tiny creatures can cause damage to plants, making them look sickly … Read more

How To Get Stink Bugs Out Of Your House and Yard

When the leaves start to fall, it’s time to prepare for winter. The air grows crisp, and the smell of apple pie fills your home, as soon as the leaves begin to change. However, there is another not-so-favorable indication that the cooler months are upon us – the arrival of stink bugs. Stink bugs invade … Read more

How To Eliminate Lawn Gnats From Your Lawn

Summertime means cookouts, swimming, and time spent outside in the yard. However, if you have been dealing with an infestation of lawn gnats, that enjoyment may have been spoiled. The hot, muggy days of summer can be a paradise for lawn gnats. These tiny black flies can swarm around your head and land on your … Read more

What Are Lawn Shrimp And How Do You Get Rid Of Them?

If you’re a homeowner, then you know that keeping your lawn looking nice and tidy can be a lot of work. If you’ve been seeing small shrimp-like creatures in your lawn, don’t fret! You’re not the only one. These critters are called lawn shrimp and they’re harmless to people and pets. However, some people find … Read more

How To Keep Squirrels Off Your Lawn

Is your lawn being taken over by pesky squirrels? Are they eating all of your plants and flowers, or dug up holes in your yard? Well, you’re not alone. If you’re like most homeowners, keeping squirrels off your property is probably high on your list of priorities. These pesky critters can wreak havoc on your … Read more

How To Keep Cats Off Your Lawn

Do you have a problem with cats roaming around your lawn and garden? While they may seem like cute and harmless creatures, they can actually be a nuisance when they start using your lawn as their personal litter box. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also be dangerous for your own pets if … Read more

How to Keep Geese Off Your Lawn

Geese are beautiful creatures when you see them at a local pond or floating on a lake, but they can be a real nuisance when they start congregating on your lawn. Not only are they messy, but their droppings can also damage your grass. These big, bulky birds can make a mess of our lawn … Read more

How To Keep Foxes Off Your Lawn

You may have heard the warnings before: keep your pets indoors at night or a fox will snatch them up. But what if you’re the owner of a prized lawn and landscape instead? There’s nothing quite like the sight of a healthy, green lawn – unless, of course, that lawn is being ravaged by pesky … Read more

How To Keep Badgers Off Your Lawn

If you’ve been living in your home for any amount of time, you’ve probably had to deal with some sort of wildlife issue. One common problem many homeowners face is badgers digging up their lawn in search of food. Badgers are cute, cuddly creatures that can be interesting to watch, but they can also be … Read more